audio with realistic timbre


February 5th, 2022 21:02
Out with the Lamed, in with the Aleph, as per conclusion after a very nice midday with some friends.
The Aleph is actually a bigger and heavier version of the Lamed. Weight difference is around 30 kilos partl
February 4th, 2022 16:27
It is finished and now playing for some hours to great joy I must confess..
This one is a LCR riaa-correction based phono preamplifer. Actually a quite simple design being two voltage amplifying stages with
January 30th, 2022 22:50
Just a teaser for now. This new project includes Monolith transformers as you probably spotted by their typical finish..  Soon more!
New project DHTRob
January 14th, 2022 12:39
..and so it appears that the Tiger Eye prefers the copper version over the rosewood. Experience shows that the lighter Koetsu's with Urushi lacquered rosewood bodies combine very well with the rosewood he
January 9th, 2022 12:03
Yesterday we had some fun as Wim from Wilking came along to replace the headshell on the tonearm. The new headshell looks stunning and is (much) easier adjustable compared to the previous. Materials used are co
December 27th, 2021 10:01
Managed to squeeze the big PTX in..  It is a bit oversized but is certainly looking okay when put in the audio rack.
And what about sound? Well, to put it shortly, it is like the power amp has had a blood
December 25th, 2021 12:33
So what is the prototype about?
It started out out as a replacement project on false assumptions (I know..) on my behalf. As one rectifier was not functioning correctly the original powertransformer by Vlaartro
December 24th, 2021 17:25
Today the replacement powertransformer for the power amplifier was delivered. It sure is a big one and looks way different. It is a prototype by Alexander Naydenov, Muse coils, and should be running coo  Read more...