audio with realistic timbre


May 31st, 2020 11:12
After some trial (and error!) a new power supply for the riaa-correction amplifier has been running for a month now. I was looking for a circuit using the same era tubes as the CF50 and AC2 being used in the
May 30th, 2020 22:40
Just got myself a hotrodded Supex. It is a 909 but cleaned, rebuilt, cactussed and tuned. Aluminium sides are replaced by Blackwood. Stunningly good craftsmanship by Rik. At 0.2mV output it is a perfect mat
April 5th, 2020 22:00
Well, this was an easy one. So already a story about these. You can read it in addendum 3 on the AD1 preamp article or as a separate impression (both identical).  Read more...
April 4th, 2020 16:33
Just installed the crazy resistors.. Let the listening begin. Soon a write-up about these: Sonically worth both the investment and the extra space?
Crazy cathode resistors - Intact audio
The installed black shrink-wrapped barrel-ish resistors r 
April 2nd, 2020 16:50
A few weeks ago I contacted Dave as I wanted to try some wire-resistors in my AD1 preamplifier. Wire resistors? Yes, not a resistor but a looooong thin copper wire that resembles the needed resistance.  Read more...
March 14th, 2020 22:18
Addendum 2: Replacing the resistors in the power supply for nanocrystalline chokes..&nb  Read more...
March 8th, 2020 16:04
Fridaynight, Psvane-night. Three sisters from the Psvane-845-family were put in the seat delivering power to the speakers and pleasure to the listeners.. 
Soon a write-up about it..
Psvane 845 family  
February 27th, 2020 16:59
Addendum 1: Tuning the Alexander Naydenov line-out transformers with wood chips between the bobbins. Amazing!&nb  Read more...