audio with realistic timbre


December 4th, 2021 13:15
The build is already in use! It is a preamplifier built around a transmitting valve, one of the first by Telefunken: the RS55. Quite a challenge to get it going at full bandwidth with its high Rp. Monolith is
November 20th, 2021 21:04
Just a teaser for now..
Monolith Magnetics 
November 15th, 2021 20:26
Just back from ETF where I met Darius. He brought his Reference cartridge which we auditioned. Very promising! Now some more auditioning at home..  This one is different sounding compared to FC-A1, I al
November 14th, 2021 21:15
Just came home from a marvellous ETF.20in21. The last in Bellême France, next year in the Netherlands!
Final upload of photos can be found here.. Thanking the French team for making this event possi  Read more...
November 10th, 2021 0:09
See here for photos, updated as often as possible between the happenings!  Read more...
November 8th, 2021 14:25
The last ETF in France! Three years, but not in a row: This year will be ETF.20in21 for obvious reasons.
A Thorens TD121 will travel along with me as transport for the Dava Trotter with FC-A1. They will meet t
October 31st, 2021 20:18
Wilking just modded my tonearm to more mass. Some clever tricks did this and boy, the Koetsu really likes it! As bonus a magnetic bearing completed the modification: Vertically the tonearm now floats on strong m
September 30th, 2021 22:40
Finally finished the definitive power supply for the Dava FC-A1. Alexander Naydenov made transformers to specification with the ability to choose three slightly different voltages which give the FC-A1 sligh