audio with realistic timbre


December 21st, 2014 14:31
A really good recording by STS-Digital issued on vinyll: Tango Extremo Live, a Dutch ensemble.
Tango Extremo Live
Follow this link for more information 
December 21st, 2014 10:34
Sometimes a review does not need to take longer than needed. Thumbs up for the Musical Affairs/STS-Digital power distributor. My review can be read here..   Read more...
December 19th, 2014 19:18
Changed the website layout to a more responsive layout, also for smaller (mobile) devices. Perhaps the whitish background with dark lettering is also better readable?
December 7th, 2014 13:15
Just in for an impression: A power distributor by Musical Affairs. The idea for the technical basis was supplied by STS-Digital, hence the nameplate.
Musical Affairs power distributor
This distributor features 1 inlet and 6 outlets, al  Read more...
November 22nd, 2014 21:58
Almost over.. Unfortunately I was not able to participate this year. It definitely hurts to see all the photos with interesting and intriguing audio gear and smoking soldering irons. Thank you Thomas Mayer for y
November 22nd, 2014 21:43
A classic top CD-player from the 90-ies, weighing around 20kgs. ..and still a top performer these days! Quality they do not make anymore these days. Makes me want to spin all my cds again!
Denon DCD-S1
November 15th, 2014 19:54
Sakuma style: Use a power tube for driving a power tube.. In this case EL3N driving an EL3N. Both triode connected. Driver EL3N CCS loaded and led-biased, power tube EL3N with auto-bias using resistor an
November 8th, 2014 16:57
Just in.. AudioNotes flagship capacitor Kaisei. Most likely developed to fill in the BlackGate WKZ gap and also manufactured by Rubycon as noted on the cap itself..
AudioNote Kaisei capacitor
Really curious about their performance