A nice picture of the RV218 amplifier. It has a versatile separate powersupply in which different rectifiers can be selected as well as multiple capacitor values right after the rectifier (choke input as we Read more...
I wrote a description of a RIAA-amplifier with unusual tubes, alike previous designs, but on component level tweaked to my preference. It is kinda personal, so I hope it will be received accordingly Read more...
Just got back from ETF in France, Belleve. Great place, great friends, great systems, great conversations.. Just posted some photo's of stuff covering a little bit of what was brought along. htt
Just put the RV218 amplifier in it's final enclosure.. Ready to travel along with me to ETF18.
The powersupply section has multiple rectifiers which can be selected for use. The big ones are U19's..
The Philips AD1 took control and how.. simply beautiful what these triodes do compared to the Ed. Not that the Ed is inferior but these are more musical to my ears.: They resemble the original tone and timbre Read more...